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塞浦路斯帕福斯|设计师 Baranowitz+Kronenberg|The Antasia Beach Club

酒店由建筑师玛丽·卡瓦吉亚(Mary Kavagia)设计,在保留其所处位置的基克拉迪风格的同时,保留了无可比拟的自然环境。所有套房和别墅均面朝大海,设有宽敞的露台,可欣赏美景。内饰经过精心重新设计,以带来更多的光线。室内家具源自法国设计师弗兰克·勒费弗尔(Frank Lefebvre)灵感来自大自然,雕刻感的曲线,辅以天然材料呈现出简约的优雅。
Designed by architect Mary Kavagia, the hotel embraces the cycladic style of its location while preserving the nature that envelops. All suites and villas are facing the sea with generous terraces that embrace the landscape. The interiors were carefully redesigned to bring more light in and create curves that give a sculpted feel. French designer Frank Lefebvre created custom-made furniture with natural materials, inspired by nature, and harnessing the elegance of simplicity.

