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以“石”传意, 凝结法式安静且深情

以“石”传意, 凝结法式安静且深情

巴黎|设计师 Joseph Dirand|Joseph Dirand巴黎公寓

这间位于第七区高端市场的Saint-Germain-des-Près Paris街区的公寓,于2013年翻新,前身为一幢大型法式联排别墅的一楼,Joseph Dirand采用了“装饰极简主义”的设计手法,糅合艺术、藏品和材料等元素多元审美,开创一个戏剧性的但深刻的生活空间。
Joseph Dirand, a name that is today respected throughout the design and architecture communities. This well-known architect has a reputation for designing refined and intuitive spaces, infusing a traditional French design ethos with clean modern lines and minimalism. Dirand is the modern day hero of classic French design, with images of images of herringbone floorboards, ornate wall mouldings and the kind of grand Parisian apartments or terraces, all reflected in his new family apartment, a serene oasis in Paris.  “I always want to get inspired by different things and I realize there is no end to learning”

