Official Decoration  >  设计风格案例 >

北欧风格   Nordic Style

北欧风格   Nordic Style
北欧风格(Nordic style)是指欧洲北部国家挪威、丹麦、瑞典、芬兰及冰岛等国的艺术设计风格,起源于斯堪的纳维亚地区的设计风格,因此也被称为“斯堪的纳维亚风格”。具有简约、自然、人性化的特点。与装饰艺术风格、流线型风格等追求时髦和商业价值的形式主义不同,北欧风格简洁实用,体现对传统的尊重,对自然材料的欣赏,对形式和装饰的克制,力求在形式和功能上的完美统一;在室内的顶、墙、地三个面,完全不用纹样和图案装饰,只用线条、色块来区分点缀。
Nordic style, also known as Scandinavian style, refers to the artistic design styles of northern European countries such as Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Iceland. It is marked by a focus on clean, simple lines, minimalism, and functionality without sacrificing beauty through the use of natural elements. Nordic style is a minimalistic style using a blend of textures and soft hues to make sleek, modern décor feel warm and inviting. It emphasizes clean lines, utility, and simple furnishings that are functional, comfortable and reflects respect for tradition.

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