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新装饰主义风格   Art-Deco Style

新装饰主义风格   Art-Deco Style
位于美国纽约曼哈顿的克赖斯勒大楼(Chrysler Building)与帝国大厦(Empire State Building)有个共同点,即丰富的线条装饰与逐层退缩的结构轮廓,这种现代装饰艺术风格形式称作“ArtDeco ”,起源于法国它反对古典主义单纯手工艺的倾向,而主张机械化的美,所以大量使用直线、对称和几何图形的构成。在当下百花齐放的装饰风格中,这种独特的新装饰主义艺术形态,别具一格,充满个性、时尚。
The Chrysler Building in Manhattan, New York, USA, and the Empire State Building share the similarity of rich line decoration and receding structural outline, referred as the Art Deco style. Originated in France, this unique neo-deco art form is unique, full of personality and fashion, opposing the tendency of classicism and pure handicraft, and advocating the beauty of mechanization, with its typical use of straight lines, symmetry and geometric compositions.

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